Maintaining your lawn: What to do and not to do in spring?

Spring is without a doubt the most important season for your lawn. Why? The Maintenance work done during this period gives it a boost for the rest of the year! To start the season off right, it’s important to pay close attention. Here are a few maintenance tasks that you should and shouldn’t do on your lawn this spring..

Maintenance tasks TO DO on your lawn in spring

✅ Spring clean up

Before starting anything it’s important to liberate your lawn from winter debris. Rake your lawn to remove yellow grass, remaining dead leaves, branches, rocks and various litter. This big clean up will allow your lawn to breathe and get back in shape a lot faster.

✅ The first cut

Once your lawn has dried, been cleaned up, and is awake, it’ll be time to mow for the first time. Caution! This must be a shorter cut to allow the soil to warm up faster, permitting the lawn to get going faster. We recommend a height of 5cm.

✅ Restoration

Our Quebecois winters are not merciful for our lawns. It’s possible that after a long sleep it may be in bad shape. It’s important to restore it: it’s what will give it the strength to battle the inevitable droughts of the summer season! When we say restoration we mean aeration, topdressing, and overseeding.

To know if your soil needs to be aired out, do the pencil test! Push a pencil in the first 10cm of the soil. If you’re having a hard time to push it in, your soil needs aeration.

If you have damaged spots on your lawn, you’ll first need to repair it by adding a layer of soil and lawn seeding on the damaged areas. To know more about how to proceed, don’t hesitate to call your Nutrite Expert, your ally for a durable and healthy lawn!

✅ Fertilization

Fertilization: a crucial step for the restoration of your lawn. With years, soil weakens and the essential nutrients at growth are no longer present in sufficient quantities. Fertilizing allows to compensate for this lack.

During fertilization, be sure to use a fertilizer that responds to the specific needs of your lawn during this time of year. Don’t hesitate to contact your Nutrite expert to run the necessary tests, determine the needs of your lawn, and fertilize all year long.

What NOT TO DO on your lawn in the spring.

❌ Raking your lawn when it’s still humid

The key to success when maintaining your lawn is to start at the right time. Several people become very enthusiastic when seeing the first few spots of grass, but it’s necessary to wait for the soil to be completely dry before raking and starting maintenance work. Otherwise, you could crush the lawn which will now have trouble growing.

❌ Starting too late

Just like it’s important to start your spring clean up at the right time, it is also essential to not wait too long to start maintenance in order to avoid unnecessary damages to your lawn. Depending on regions, we generally recommend aeration, topdressing, overseeding, and fertilizer between the beginning of May to mid June.

For all your questions, contact your Nutrite Expert, your ally for a durable and healthy lawn!

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