A practical guide for the contractor who mows your lawn

When you hire a lawn-mowing contractor, you expect a job well done and a healthy lawn. Did you know that you can ask your contractor to do the job to your specifications? Don’t be shy about doing so!

To ensure that your lawn lasts and stays healthy all summer long, here are a few instructions you can pass on to your contractor.

In spring :

  • Make sure you mow your lawn for the first time only when the snow has completely melted and the ground is dry. It should be shorter. We’re talking about a height of around 5 cm to make it easier for the lawn to recover and for the debris to be cleared away.
  • We then recommend weekly mowing to a height of 8 cm until the summer heat arrives. Note that your contractor should never cut more than a third of the height of the grass, otherwise it could be damaged. For example, if the lawn is 11 cm high, cut 3 cm to leave 8 cm. Not to be overlooked!
  • If your contractor leaves grass clippings on your lawn after mowing (known as weedcycling), make sure they’re not too thick. Too much clippings could “choke” your lawn.
  • Be careful: a lawn that is too long could encourage the spread of fungal diseases. In the first few weeks of spring, it’s important to be diligent and not let the lawn get too long.

In summer :

  • As soon as the weather starts to warm up, you need to change your mowing habits by spacing them out and increasing the height slightly. Aim for a height of 10 cm and fortnightly mowing.
  • During a heatwave, the lawn goes dormant and growth slows down. It’s best to let it sleep in peace! Mowing it too much or too short could burn it. During periods of intense heat, check your lawn. As soon as it looks a little long, mow it. Otherwise, we recommend spacing mowing every 3 weeks.

In autumn :

  • When the cooler, wetter weather returns, we recommend reducing the mowing height to 8 cm and shortening the spaces between mowings.
  • The last mowing: this is generally done at the end of October, just before the snow arrives. But be sure to check the weather forecast! If Mother Nature is ahead of schedule, it’s best to give your contractor a call to make sure you don’t miss out. On the other hand, if the snow comes late, the lawn can grow until November. It should therefore be mown, even if your contractor usually stops work earlier.

By passing on these maintenance tips to your contractor, you can be sure of a healthy, long-lasting lawn all summer long! However, if you notice any damage to your lawn, don’t hesitate to talk to him.

Don’t forget that when it comes to lawns, we know our stuff! We can help you restore your lawn to its former glory. If you have any problems, contact us!